What does USB Connector mean?
Definition of USB Connector:
1. 定义:通用串行总线连接器是计算机和外围设备(如打印机、显示器、扫描仪、鼠标或键盘)之间的连接器。它是USB接口的一部分,包括端口、电缆和连接器的类型。
A universal serial bus (USB) connector is a connector between a computer and a peripheral device such as a printer, monitor, scanner, mouse or keyboard. It is part of the USB interface, which includes types of ports, cables and connectors.
2. 定义: 通用串行总线连接器是一种标准的串行计算机接口,允许简化外围设备的连接,尤其是菊花链。
A universal serial bus (USB) connector is a standardized serial computer interface that allows simplified attachment of peripherals especially in a daisy chain.
补充:菊链 (Daisy-Chain)
1.USB 版本: USB 2.0 /3.0/3.1Gen1 /3.1Gen2
USB Version: USB 2.0 /3.0 /3.1Gen1 /3.1Gen2
2. USB 连接器类型: A /B /C
USB Connector Type: A /B /C
3. USB连接器的分类
(1)USB 1.0连接器 USB 1.0 Connector
(2)USB 2.0连接器 USB 2.0 Connector
A.USB Type A连接器 USB Type A Connector
B. USB Type B连接器 USB Type B Connector
C. Mini USB 2.0连接器 Mini USB 2.0 Connector
D. Micro USB 2.0连接器 Micro USB 2.0 Connector
(3)USB 3.0连接器 USB 3.0 Connector
(4)USB 3.1连接器 USB 3.1 Connector
USB Type C连接器 USB Type C Connector
4. USB连接器的性别
公 male
母 female
USB A公头接口 USB A male ports
USB A母头接口 USB A female ports
插头 plug/ pin/ prong/ male electrical connector
插座 receptacle/ socket/ outlet/ jack/ female electrical connector
5. USB连接器外形: 标准,小型,微型
USB Connector Profile: Standard, Mini, Micro
(1)通用串行总线USB (Universal Serial Bus的缩写)
(2)USB连接器 USB Connector
(3)全系列新型USB 3.0连接器 a full/ new line of USB 3.0 connectors
(4)USB A接口 USB A ports
(5)笔记本上的USB A 接口 USB-A ports on a laptop computer
(6)标准A和B型插头和插座standard A and B type plugs and receptacles
(7)反向A插头和插座 reversed plugs and receptacles
(8)连接器和壳体类型: 母端connector & Housing Type: Receptacle
(9)USB延长线的标签图像 labeled image of USB extension cable
(10)数字产品digital products
(11)产品名称和描述 Product Name & Description
(12)产品线 product line
(13)端口数量: 1 Number of Ports: 1
(14)USB 实施者论坛 USB Implementer’s Forum
(15)之前版本previous versions
(16)面板插座panel jack
(17)穿墙插座bulkhead jack
(18)音频和视频连接器 Audio & Video Connector
(19)印刷线路板PCB:Printed Circuit Board的缩写
(20)插针 pin
(21)插孔 jack
(22)极化不对称asymmetry for polarization
(23)商业设备business equipment
(24)电缆组件cable assemblies
(25)垂直接插式接插头组件PC board vertical pin headers
(26)水平接插式接插头组PC board right-angle pin and socket headers
下一篇: fpc连接器(一文看懂FPC连接器知识)
上一篇: 连接器插针怎么压接(用航空插头做例子)